Does Melanoboost sun tan oil work on fair skin

"I'm fair skinned, will Melanoboost work for me?"

We understand the challenges that individuals with fair or pale skin may face when seeking a natural-looking tan. Many people with fair skin often inquire about the effectiveness of Melanoboost for their skin type. We receive numerous reviews and photos from customers with fair or pale skin who have reported positive tanning results with Melanoboost. We are excited to share their experiences with you!.


With over 3,500+ product reviews to date, we've selected some of the most detailed feedback from customers who describe themselves as "pale," "fair," or "struggle to tan."

 By reading these reviews, we hope you'll gain a better understanding of how Melanoboost might work for you. Our goal is to help you achieve your tanning goals, and we believe that our customers' unbiased feedback will be instrumental in helping you make an informed decision about whether Melanoboost is right for you.

***Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors in the customer reviews below. We have chosen to present the reviews as published to maintain authenticity. maintain authenticity.

Rating: 5
Author: Ellie G.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I bought this product based on the difference between Melanoboost and other tanning oils. I have been a weekly self fake tanner for 5+ years now as I believed that my skin could not tan but only burn and it has seriously been a major insecurity for me for so many years. I've done and tried EVERYTHING to naturally tan but nothing had worked. I took Melanoboost on my holiday to Bali recently and I am shocked! I'm actually noticeably naturally tanned!! I never thought it would happen. I've had so many comments on my natural tan already and I didn't even bake in the sun for hours on end! I did short intervals every day like Melanoboost recommended. You guys have made the BEST product and made a pale girl very very happy. I'm tanned thanks to Melanoboost!!!! 
Title: Fantastic 
Rating: 5
Author: Ethan R.

Product: Melanin Boosting Duo - Peptide Sun Tanning Oils
I usually don’t tan and just burn and peel but Melanoboost changed all of that and have never been so tanned before! I usually do between 20-30 min each side when laying in the sun and BAM got a tan!! Haven’t stopped using it since summer 2017!!
Rating: 5
Author: lauren j.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I have never ever been one to tan at all, I have extremely pale skin and if I am in the sun for more than half an hour I usually burn so bad I blister and peel. Since using this product I go in the sun for not even 15 minutes and I can see my skin changing colour and actually tanning! Such a life changing product, goodbye fake tan! 
Rating: 5
Author: Kelly B.
Product: Melanin Boosting Duo - Peptide Sun Tanning Oils
For someone who never goes a week without fake tanning like an oompa loompa and has tried relentlessly to get a real tan (only to peel and reveal another layer of white and freckles) I am completely gobsmacked!! The reviews were insanely good and I couldn’t decide on one so bought both and can I just say, it’s a flipping miracle in a bottle!!! I had subtle tan lines after day one, ZERO sunburn and deliciously nourished skin. I spent an hour a day in the sun for one week and slept in the bronze oil on Friday night for an extra glow for the weekend and everyone commented on how ahhhmazing my holiday tan was! Thanks guys, you’ve nailed it! X

Title: Best Tanning Lotion of All Time!!! 
Rating: 5
Author: Nicole K.
Product: Melanin Boosting Duo - Peptide Sun Tanning Oils
I have fair skin and would always burn in the sun. Not only does this tanning lotion give me a great tan it moisturises the skin at the same time. Minimal sun exposure for a great tan!! Who could ask for more!! 

Title: Tanning saviour 
Rating: 5
Author: Amanda R.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil + Bronzing
I was so hesitant to buy Melanoboost because I am so pale and it always seems impossible to tan! I applied the oil everyday over three days and my skin gradually looked more and more bronzed everyday! My third day I sat in the sun for a few hours and I’ve never been so tanned in my life! I absolutely loved this product and I’ll definitely repurchase! By far the best tanning oil I have ever used!

Title: Melanoboost Lotion
Rating: 5
Author: Ebony L.
Peptide Sun Tanning Lotion
I absolutely love this product! I hate tanning oils, & the sticky feeling of most tanning products, but this stuff is AMAZING! I will NEVER buy anything but this product ever again, I am so over the moon happy with the results, the fast postage, & the price! Thankyou Melanoboost for saving this lil white girl lots of $$ on crappy tans!!!

Title: It actually works! 
Rating: 5
Author: Victoria A.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I’m usually very pale and burn easily. By using this and gradually increasing my sun exposure, I have developed a nice glow in just a week! Definitely re-purchasing!

Title: Melanoboost Rocks!!!
Rating: 5
Author: Jane D.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I love this product!! Firstly, the smell is divine - but most importantly it helps me achieve a beautiful tan REALLY FAST! I’m fair skinned and without Melanoboost it can take me forever to change colour. With Melanoboost I see results after half an hour.
Title: Amazing!
Rating: 5
Author: Mrs S.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I’m fair & have been using this frequently over the last few weeks, oh my word it’s amazing! I used to try getting a tan by lying there for hours & not getting anywhere, I now have a lovely tan accomplished with minimal effort 😃 In addition my skin is in great condition too,no drying or peeling at all. Thank you Melanoboost

Title: Impressed
Rating: 5
Author: Rachel J.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
For a fair skinned person that tans bit bit takes an age I was hopeful but sceptical that Melanoboost would help me. I was very pleasantly surprised.... for once my legs were tanned all over, I usually end up with much lighter shins and calfs. The colour is also deeper and much longer lasting. Living in the UK mens sunshine is a bit hit and miss but using Melonaboost has helped me make the most of the sun we have had. People have commented it looks like I’ve been on holiday when I’ve just been enjoying my garden. Thank you
Title: Amazing!!!
Rating: 5
Author: Dijana D.
Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
Have seriously tried so many different tanning products. This is a legit product where what the discription of the item says is actually what it does!!! I really struggle tanning so only half an hour with this stuff on is more tan than I would get doing anything else. Seriously in love and will order again :)

Title: It’s ridiculous!
Rating: 5
Author: Katie M.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
I adore this! I put it on every time I’m popping to the beach for a swim or walk. It just tops up my tan and keeps me Golden. The first time I used it I was amazed at the result! Super rich tan. And I’m a white Anglo-skinned chick. I love it.

Title: Awesome!! 
Rating: 5
Author: Kacey P.
Product: Peptide Sun Tanning Oil + Bronzing
I use this product everyday and I was so pale when I started and I finally got that awesome tan in such a short period of time. I use it when I’m taking my dog for a walk or laying by the pool! Best tanning product I’ve come across and I’ve tried so many!!! Have recommended it to my friends and I will continue to buy this product... Can’t wait to take it to Hawaii with me in January ;) Thank you so much for making an incredible product!!!
Title: Finally
Rating: 5
Author: Sarah M.
Peptide Sun Tanning Oil
Great stuff! Does what it says. I was most impressed as i am quite fair and do not tan well. I followed the instructions and applied daily whether it was sunny day or not. Love the oil it is not greasy and quickly absorbed, i needed to apply a bit more as my skin is fairly dry which is fine as you get a great bottle size and is worth the money. Another i liked was the fact that even in the Melanoboost Oil with Bronzing there was no sign of orange hands, bed sheets, or blotchy knees. Praise the Lord! I did however use the Melanoboost oil for about 3 weeks to begin with which prepared my skin initially and wore sunscreen all the time. I couldnt believe it when i actually started to tan! I got so excited i bought another 3 bottles and have just recently purchased Melanoboost with Bronzer and "WOW" I am seriously tanned! Just yesterday a friend said to me "Man , I feel very white around you at the moment!", I have never heard that! Completely addicted! Love it! Will post a picture for you soon! Regards Sunshine!

Now to OUR answer...

Melanoboost is designed for ALL skin types.

Melanoboost is formulated to assist tanning in all skin types and tones, including fair skin. We incorporate peptides designed to support the natural tanning process within the Melanoboost product range to enhance performance for targeted outcomes that improve the skin's ability to tan effectively with less sun exposure.

These innovative ingredients are designed for use before, during, and after sun exposure. Begin your tanning routine indoors with Melanoboost to prepare your skin for sun exposure. By using Melanoboost before heading outdoors, you can optimise your tanning potential outdoors.

Note: A balanced approach to sun exposure and the use of sunscreen is always recommended when spending time outdoors.

Which Melanoboost is best for use indoors?

Melanoboost Peptide Sun Tanning Lotion (blue) is our most versatile product. Ultra-light and super hydrating, the lotion absorbs instantly, leaving a weightless dry touch feel, making it perfect to use as your everyday moisturiser as it effortlessly transitions from pre-tan primer, to sun tan optimiser, to post sun prolonger!

Alternatively, if you're looking for a boost of bronzed body confidence before you head outdoors to work on your natural tan, you could use Melanoboost Peptide Sun Tanning Lotion + Bronzing (green). It’s the same lotion base as the blue but contains additional sunless tanning actives to give your skin an added fake tan bronzing boost in the lead-up to sun exposure.

Which Melanoboost is best for use during sun exposure?

Many customers prefer to use the Melanoboost Peptide Sun Tanning Oils when enjoying their time in the sun, as the nutrient-rich oil base offers more intense hydration during sun exposure when it is needed most. There are two options for the oil: The yellow bottle is our original tanning oil that spreads easily and absorbs quickly, leaving your skin glossy without feeling greasy. The coral bottle is the same but contains additional sunless tanning actives to enhance and deepen your tanning results.

Regardless of your skin tone, a balanced approach to sun exposure, along with sunscreen use, is always recommended. Since everyone's skin type varies, individual results may differ based on personal expectations. For instance, individuals who start with very fair skin should not anticipate achieving results similar to an olive skin tone. Melanoboost is tailored to assist you in achieving your optimal tan while respecting your unique skin attributes. Burning should never be your goal. It’s not smart, and it certainly isn’t sexy to rock the lobster. JUST-DON’T-DO-IT..

Use Melanoboost post-sun exposure to hydrate your skin and prolong your tan.

Exposure to the sun and outdoor elements can leave your skin feeling dry, tight, and thirsty for moisture. Use Melanoboost after spending time in the sun to feed your skin with much-needed moisture and quash any dry, after-sun tightness. Our recommendation is the Peptide Sun Tanning Spray (aqua). It's super light and refreshing, making it perfect for use post-sun exposure.

Read reviews from our customers with fair skin!

We're delighted to share that numerous customers who describe their skin as light, pale, or fair have provided great product reviews detailing their tanning success using Melanoboost. These reviews can be found on the product pages of our website. Their experiences offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of Melanoboost for individuals with similar skin types.

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